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  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24   
doc icon DUGiDocs 2012 Transcriptional upregulation of HER2 expression in the absence of HER2 gene amplification results in cetuximab resistance that is reversed by trastuzumab treatment Oliveras Ferrarós, Cristina ; Massaguer i Vall-llovera, Anna ; Vázquez Martín, Alejandro ; Carrion Salip, Dolors ; Queralt, Bernardo ; Cufí González, Sílvia ; Martin Castillo, Begoña ; Bosch Barrera, Joaquim ; Brunet i Vidal, Joan ; Llorens Duran, Rafael de ; Menéndez Menéndez, Javier Abel
out url icon Recercat Transcriptional upregulation of HER2 expression in the absence of HER2 gene amplification results in cetuximab resistance that is reversed by trastuzumab treatment Oliveras Ferrarós, Cristina ; Massaguer i Vall-llovera, Anna ; Vázquez Martín, Alejandro ; Carrion Salip, Dolors ; Queralt, Bernardo ; Cufí González, Sílvia ; Martin Castillo, Begoña ; Bosch Barrera, Joaquim ; Brunet i Vidal, Joan ; Llorens Duran, Rafael de ; Menéndez Menéndez, Javier Abel
out url icon Recercat Transcriptional upregulation of HER2 expression in the absence of HER2 gene amplification results in cetuximab resistance that is reversed by trastuzumab treatment Oliveras Ferrarós, Cristina ; Massaguer i Vall-llovera, Anna ; Vázquez Martín, Alejandro ; Carrion Salip, Dolors ; Queralt, Bernardo ; Cufí González, Sílvia ; Martin Castillo, Begoña ; Bosch Barrera, Joaquim ; Brunet i Vidal, Joan ; Llorens Duran, Rafael de ; Menéndez Menéndez, Javier Abel
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Transcriptional upregulation of HER2 expression in the absence of HER2 gene amplification results in cetuximab resistance that is reversed by trastuzumab treatment
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Transcriptional upregulation of HER2 expression in the absence of HER2 gene amplification results in cetuximab resistance that is reversed by trastuzumab treatment Oliveras Ferrarós, Cristina ; Massaguer i Vall-llovera, Anna ; Vázquez Martín, Alejandro ; Carrion Salip, Dolors ; Queralt, Bernardo ; Cufí González, Sílvia ; Martin Castillo, Begoña ; Bosch Barrera, Joaquim ; Brunet i Vidal, Joan ; Llorens Duran, Rafael de ; Menéndez Menéndez, Javier Abel
doc icon DUGiDocs febrer 2020 Tratamiento de aguas grises con sistemes hidropónicos : cumplimiento con la legislación para la reutilización de agua Quílez García, Gemma
doc icon DUGiDocs juny 2022 Tumor-on-a-chip: new strategies of in-vitro cancer cell culture Cànaves Llabrés, Antoni Ignasi
doc icon DUGiDocs juny 2022 Two-photon lithography for fabrication of implantable drug delivery devices Pons i Tarrés, Judith
out url icon Recercat UdG Llengua. Guia lingüística i d’estil Universitat de Girona. Servei de Llengües Modernes
out url icon Recercat UdG Llengua. Guia lingüística i d’estil Universitat de Girona. Servei de Llengües Modernes
out url icon Recercat UdG Llengua. Guia lingüística i d’estil Universitat de Girona. Servei de Llengües Modernes
doc icon DUGiDocs 2010 UdG Llengua. Guia lingüística i d’estil Universitat de Girona. Servei de Llengües Modernes
doc icon DUGiDocs 2018 UdG llengua. Guia lingüística i d’estil Universitat de Girona. Servei de Llengües Modernes
doc icon DUGiDocs 2018 UdG Llengua. Guia de la UdG per a un ús igualitari del llenguatge Universitat de Girona. Servei de Llengües Modernes
doc icon DUGiDocs 2022 Unilateral versus bilateral palatine tonsillectomy in the carcinomas of unknown primary of the head and neck: a multicenter, randomized, controlled clinical trial Pintiado Gámez, Mariona
out url icon Recercat The use of Impedance Cardiography to better characterize Resistant Hypertensive patients and therapeutic optimization versus 25 mg Spironolactone: A randomized controlled trial Correia Oliveira, Joana Filipa
out url icon Recercat The use of Impedance Cardiography to better characterize Resistant Hypertensive patients and therapeutic optimization versus 25 mg Spironolactone: A randomized controlled trial Correia Oliveira, Joana Filipa
doc icon DUGiDocs gener 2015 The use of Impedance Cardiography to better characterize Resistant Hypertensive patients and therapeutic optimization versus 25 mg Spironolactone: A randomized controlled trial Correia Oliveira, Joana Filipa
doc icon DUGiDocs novembre 2021 Use of monopolar versus bipolar transurethral resection in non-muscle-invasive bladder tumors related to thermal artifact and recurrence and progression rates Correa Martín, Naomi
out url icon DUGiDocs 27 setembre 2024 Use of oscillating electromagnetic fields in the processing of viscous vegetable homogenates Abea Cambronero, Andrés Alejandro
out url icon Recercat Using a detailed inventory of a large wastewater treatment plant to estimate the relative importance of construction to the overall environmental impacts Morera Carbonell, Sadurní ; Corominas Tabares, Lluís ; Rigola i Lapeña, Miquel ; Poch, Manuel ; Comas Matas, Joaquim
out url icon Recercat Using a detailed inventory of a large wastewater treatment plant to estimate the relative importance of construction to the overall environmental impacts Morera Carbonell, Sadurní ; Corominas Tabares, Lluís ; Rigola i Lapeña, Miquel ; Poch, Manuel ; Comas Matas, Joaquim
out url icon Recercat Using a detailed inventory of a large wastewater treatment plant to estimate the relative importance of construction to the overall environmental impacts Morera Carbonell, Sadurní ; Corominas Tabares, Lluís ; Rigola i Lapeña, Miquel ; Poch, Manuel ; Comas Matas, Joaquim
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Using a detailed inventory of a large wastewater treatment plant to estimate the relative importance of construction to the overall environmental impacts
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Using a detailed inventory of a large wastewater treatment plant to estimate the relative importance of construction to the overall environmental impacts Morera Carbonell, Sadurní ; Corominas Tabares, Lluís ; Rigola i Lapeña, Miquel ; Poch, Manuel ; Comas Matas, Joaquim
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